Making Art Connections to 数学, Writing, Reading

  • Connections, Connections, Connections!
    数学, 阅读, 写作, 社会研究, 科学!!

    Here is a link to some great ways you can integrate art with other subjects for your child....just click on this link.

    In the arts we can easily make connections to other areas of the core content.

    我们使用 数学 当我们:
    • study shape the art element of, both organic 和 geometric
    • we dissect a shape 和 use it in its many different forms,such as whole, half, 1/4, 数学 we call this fractions
    • study the art element of balance 和 discuss the line of symmetry, 和 the different types of balance: symmetry, asymmetry 和 rotational symmetry
    • study the art element of form, 2-d shape vs. 3-d form 和 discuss 和 create sculptures
    • 我们学习 pattern 和 repetition
    • 我们学习 directional lines, 比如水平的, 垂直, diagonal 和 apply them in many different ways
    • 我们学习 添加敏感且 减去ive techniques in sculpture process

    三角形拼贴 数学数组

    我们使用 阅读 读写能力 技能当我们:

    • view a work of art 和 look at it with an art critical eye to infer the meaning 和 intent of the artists
      • did the artists depict a story? if so, what would happen before, during 和 after the image seen in the art work
      • we infer what the picture is about by investigating the images that we see
    • write about our own art work or experience
    • write poetry about our art works
    • read stories about real artists 和 try to underst和 what made them st和 out in their artistic journey


    我们使用 科学 当我们:

    • study color, the color wheel, color theory, value, tints 和 shades...when we experiment with mixing colors of paint, clay, any kind of media....we also estimate ratios of paint when mixing tints 和 shades
    • when we recycle 和 reuse materials to re-purpose them in our art works
    • we paint butterfly blottos 和 study symmetry 和 then discuss the life cycle of a butterfly
    • 我们学习 liquids 和 solids when studying techniques such as Dale Chihuly's h和-blown glass sculptures 和 then we make out won simulated version

    我们将 社会研究 当我们:

    • study cultures 和 artists that create art
    • we question why the artist or the culture created the art 和 the materials used to create the art works