• Interactive Student Notebook

    ISN Files -- Download any files you might need to setup your ISN.
    All About the Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)

    What is an ISN?

    Why an ISN?

    Will my ISN look just like everyone else's?

    How do I use the ISN?

    Does it matter what my ISN looks like?

    How do you grade the ISN?

    When will you grade the ISN?

    How will I use my ISN to prepare for quizzes and tests?

    What do I do if I'm absent or miss an assignment?

    What if I lose my ISN?

    My parent/guardian wants to see my ISN. Can I take it home?

      What is an ISN?
    For this class you will be required to complete work in a composition book,
    which will be referred to as your Interactive Student Notebook. The
    interactive notebook should be an effective tool to help you organize and
    retain information on the units we study throughout the year. ISNs allow you
    to record information about history in an engaging way. As you learn about
    new ideas, you will use several types of writing and innovative graphic
    techniques to record them. You will be involved in a process that requires
    you to use your critical thinking skills to organize and process
    information, thus increasing the likelihood of remembering the information.

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    Why an ISN?

    By the time you have completed the first semester you will have a portfolio 
    of your accomplishments in this class. The notebook can aid you in your
    organizational abilities because almost all of the work you do in class will
    be recorded or pasted into the pages of your notebook. This can help you in a
    variety of ways.

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    Will my ISN look just like everyone else's?

    No! One of the interesting things about an ISN is your ability to personalize
    it. You can be creative in recording some of the information you have

    Individualizing the work we do in class should increase your recall of facts
    or ideas.

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    How do I use the ISN?

    Your ISN will be like a portfolio and notebook combined. On the right side of
    the notebook, you will include all reading notes, thinking maps, and other
    testable material given in class. On the left side of your notebook, you will
    "interact" with the material by reflecting on the information learned and
    displaying it in a new way of your choosing.

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    Does it matter what my ISN looks like?

    As you are completing the activities in your notebook it is expected that you
    do so with great care. Think of your notebook as a representation of yourself
    that will be viewed by the rest of the community. You need to prepare
    assignments carefully checking for accuracy, neatness and colorfulness.

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    How do you grade the ISN?

    I will grade your ISN after each unit to make sure you are keeping up with 
    it. I may also give grades for individual assignments in your ISN as needed.
    My rubric for grading ISNs is listed below:

    * Includes a complete Table of Contents
    * Work is Neat and Organized
    * Headings and Dates on all Pages
    * Effective Use of Color


    * Notes and right-side work is complete and of high quality
    * Left-side work is complete and shows processing of the work done on the
    right side
    * Evidence of following instructions
    * Includes graphic representations of thought
    * No missing work (even if you were absent)

    EXTRAS (10 -- Only given if ISN is exceptional)

    * Obvious evidence of time invested
    * Obvious evidence of learning
    * Effort and quality of work are exceptional

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    When will you grade the ISN?

    On some days I will have spot checks while you are in class to determine if
    you have the expected work completed. At other times you will be required to
    turn your notebook in to me. Since the expectation is that you have the
    notebook with you every day, if you don’t have your notebook on the day a
    grade is given you will not receive full credit.

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    How will I use my ISN to prepare for quizzes and tests?

    The ISN is very helpful in preparing you for quizzes or tests. Provided you
    have kept up with your responsibilities throughout a unit, all of the
    information you will need to prepare for a test should be located on a few
    pages in your notebook.

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    What do I do if I'm absent or miss an assignment?

    The ISN will help you make sure you are staying caught up on the assignments
    in the class. You will create a Table of Contents at the front of your
    notebook which lists the name and page number for each of the activities we
    complete. Each of the items listed should be finished and you should find it
    located on the page listed in the Table of Contents. Through this method, you
    can also find out what work you missed if you were absent from class.

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    What if I lose my ISN?

    If you lose your notebook you will be expected to replace it immediately. The
    work completed in the unit up to that point would have to be redone. Your
    assignment grade is mainly determined by the work completed in the
    interactive notebook. To increase your likelihood of success you must have it
    with you in class each day.

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    My parent/guardian wants to see my ISN. Can I take it home?

    All ISNs will remain in the classroom unless you request to check it out.
    Because ALL of your work goes in your ISN, if you lose it you will have to
    redo everything we have done on our current unit. Therefore it is very
    important that you take good care of your ISN. You will be allowed to check
    out your ISN once per week. You will be expected to bring in to class the
    following day. Of course, your parent or guardian is welcome to come in to
    see your ISN during open house, or during any other time during the school year.

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